Saturday, October 25, 2014

A little paint goes a long way-Dining Room edition

To continue the tour through the process of making our house into our home, I'll show you our dining room next.

Here's what it looked like when we moved in.

Not too shabby, but I wasn't quite loving the tan color, I wanted something that would go a little bit better with the chandelier, plus I wanted a color that would compliment the gray color we painted in the living room because there is a big opening between the two rooms.

I wanted something fresh bright and clean like this dining room I found on Pinterest:

Considering I may need to replace the dining room chairs soon, I like the white chairs with the dark table. Rustic and modern.

So we decided to go with a gray tinted white, called mink frost.

Let's get into the before and afters.


And After:

I love the way the paint color makes the wall decor pop!  It looks so much better than with the tan.

It's so much brighter and it makes me happier :). My next few projects for the dining room include finding a bold pattern for the curtains because the ones I have now are not quite what I'm looking for and I'm not loving the brown.  I did get them for free from my cousin so that's always good!  I know I can use them somewhere, I just don't want that place to be my dining room.  Maybe in the office or the guest room.

  I want to go floor to ceiling with them but we'll see what I can afford.  I also want to upgrade the table, either get a new one or stain and repaint the one we have.  If I get a new one, I'm definitely getting a bigger table.  The dining room certainly has the space for a bigger one.  Money will be the deciding factor.  We shall have to see what comes out of it.

I'd love to get a buffet or a china hutch to put in the dining room but I'm not sure where I could fit one.

Hope you enjoyed my dining room tour.  Do you approve of the change?  Know of any awesome patterned curtains for cheap?

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